  • JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 42

Children categories


Components (7)

Component ImageComponents are larger extensions that produce the major content for your site. Each component has one or more "views" that control how content is displayed. In the Joomla administrator there are additional extensions such as Menus, Redirection, and the extension managers.

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Modules (24)

Media ImageModules are small blocks of content that can be displayed in positions on a web page. The menus on this site are displayed in modules. The core of Joomla! includes 24 separate modules ranging from login to search to random images. Each module has a name that starts mod_ but when it displays it has a title. In the descriptions in this section, the titles are the same as the names.

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Templates (1)

Media ImageTemplates give your site its look and feel. They determine layout, colours, typefaces, graphics and other aspects of design that make your site unique. Your installation of Joomla comes prepackaged with three front end templates and two backend templates. Help

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Languages (0)

Languages ImageJoomla! installs in English, but translations of the interfaces, sample data and help screens are available in dozens of languages. Help

Translation information

If there is no language pack available for your language, instructions are available for creating your own translation, which you can also contribute to the community by starting a translation team to create an accredited translation. 

Translations of the interfaces are installed using the extensions manager in the site administrator and then managed using the language manager.

If you have two or more languages installed you may enable the language switcher plugin and module. They should always be used together. If you create multilingual content and mark your content, menu items or modules as being in specific languages and follow the complete instructions your users will be able to select a specific content language using the module. By default both the plugin and module are disabled.

Joomla 2.5 installs with a language override manager that allows you to change the specific words (such as Edit or Search) used in the Joomla application.

There are a number of extensions that can help you manage translations of content available in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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Plugins (9)

Plugin ImagePlugins are small task oriented extensions that enhance the Joomla! framework. Some are associated with particular extensions and others, such as editors, are used across all of Joomla. Most beginning users do not need to change any of the plugins that install with Joomla. Help

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Smart Search

Written by Tuesday, 17 January 2012 03:42

This module provides search using the Smart Search component. You should only use it if you have indexed your content and either have enabled the Smart Search content plugin or are keeping the index of your site updated manually. In eros enim; vestibulum sed gravida sed, tempor non mauris. Donec faucibus sapien ac nulla ultrices id hendrerit felis tempus. Morbi lobortis leo id ipsum commodo pretium? Nullam in mollis tortor? Donec sed egestas est. Suspendisse potenti. Sed lorem velit, mattis vel venenatis at, faucibus non massa. Praesent adipiscing metus eu tortor cursus ut condimentum felis placerat. Aliquam a odio nunc, sit amet pulvinar dui! Donec viverra vestibulum tortor, in sodales enim ullamcorper vestibulum. Vivamus ultrices egestas mi ac malesuada. Sed gravida malesuada libero, ac molestie quam condimentum a. Phasellus vitae arcu dui, id hendrerit nisl. Duis dolor ipsum, auctor quis hendrerit ac, sodales et lacus. Nam et dolor nunc, vel ornare sapien. Suspendisse rhoncus libero at augue commodo adipiscing? Maecenas vulputate viverra elit, quis elementum quam consequat et. Quisque rhoncus eleifend massa, in accumsan lacus vestibulum eget! Vestibulum quis massa justo. In erat turpis, feugiat et blandit elementum, faucibus in justo. Donec lacus augue, iaculis eu vulputate eget, feugiat a ligula. Mauris imperdiet, massa non lobortis dictum, risus ante varius nulla, sit amet tempor lorem dui ac enim. Proin facilisis; odio at venenatis fermentum, massa ipsum dapibus arcu, vitae suscipit nibh leo non nulla. Mauris nec massa dui; in vestibulum lorem? Morbi at nisi libero, vitae faucibus nisl. Nunc consequat scelerisque neque, non varius lectus fermentum vel? Vivamus eu magna velit, in hendrerit nulla. Nunc vel ante nec eros vulputate tristique vel vel dui. Ut eu enim tortor, eget ullamcorper enim. Aliquam molestie pharetra nisi, ut venenatis nunc interdum ac. Quisque in turpis eget mauris iaculis accumsan. Nunc vel congue enim. Sed elementum sagittis mauris sit amet consectetur. Fusce eu lorem leo. Nam eu condimentum odio! Vestibulum laoreet convallis vestibulum. Mauris accumsan adipiscing ligula at tempor. Nulla facilisi. Integer ullamcorper orci et urna sagittis adipiscing. Nulla molestie condimentum quam! Nullam iaculis congue lacus. In enim metus, dapibus non accumsan sed, rutrum sit amet lorem. Nullam bibendum, erat sodales ultricies imperdiet, erat ipsum commodo quam, ut vestibulum enim nunc et felis! Duis lobortis elit sit amet nulla ornare vestibulum. Aenean et lacus justo, et luctus nulla? Pellentesque tempus volutpat malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut est ac lorem lacinia dictum vehicula venenatis quam. Mauris venenatis sollicitudin semper. Nam bibendum malesuada eros suscipit iaculis. Praesent vestibulum, neque at cursus commodo, magna neque laoreet turpis, vitae feugiat massa nulla at nisl. Duis vitae tempor ipsum. Pellentesque condimentum lobortis aliquam. Morbi nec leo quis felis sagittis tincidunt quis vitae felis. Suspendisse mattis facilisis blandit. Ut at dui id augue sagittis congue. In rhoncus nunc ligula, non gravida enim. Aliquam eget ipsum id felis bibendum eleifend et et odio. Fusce massa ipsum, sollicitudin et facilisis vel, facilisis id ante.

Quick Icons

Written by Tuesday, 17 January 2012 03:27

 The Quick Icon plugin group is used to provide notification that updates to Joomla! or installed extensions are available and should be applied. These notifications display on your administrator control panel, which is the page you see when you first log in to your site administrator.

Default on:

  • Quick icon - Joomla! extensions updates notification Help.
  • Quick icon - Joomla! update notification Help


Written by Tuesday, 17 January 2012 03:20

The Captcha plugins are used to prevent spam submissions on your forms such as registration, contact and login. You basic installation of Joomla includes one Captcha plugin which leverages the ReCaptcha® service but you may install other plugins connecting to different Captcha systems.

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Note: ReCaptcha is a the trademark of Google Inc. and is an independent product not associated with or endorsed by the Joomla Project. You will need to register and agree to the Terms of Service at to use this plugin. Complete instructions are available if you edit the ReCaptcha plugin in the Plugin Manager.

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About RJ

Rajitha Jayasuriya, an experienced Interior decorator for over 20 years, a realtor & a re-constructor with years of real estate experience!

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